
Be sure to delete all the resources from this lab so as not to incur additional charges. To cleanup the resources follow the steps below.

1) Navigate back to the Lightsail home page

2) Delete the 3 lightsail instances you created by clicking the 3 dot menu on each instance and choosing delete. You will need to confirm each action by clicking Yes, delete

3) Click Networking from the horizontal menu

4) Click the 3 dot menu on the todo-lb load balancer and choose Delete. You will need to confirm the action by clicking Yes, delete

5) Click Home and then select Snapshots from the horizontal menu.

6) Click the 3 dot menu on the snapshot you created and choose *Delete. You will need to confirm the action by clicking Yes, delete

7) Click Home and then select Databases from the horizontal menu.

8) Click the 3 dot menu on the database you created and choose Delete. You will need to confirm the action by clicking Yes, delete